PROYECTO 6 - "Design my charity organization - Part 3"

For the third part of the project, you need to set up some Objectives for your charity.  These MUST BE included in your progress report.

Part three:
  • Define TWO objectives to support each one of your goals.  Remember, objectives are more specific than goals, but they are still not measurable in terms of dates or quantities.
Progress report:

  • All necessary corrections to Parts one and two progress report must be completed when Part three is submitted.
  • Objectives must be defined clearly
General requirements for the report are included again:

Your progress report must be turned in ELECTRONICALLY, in a Word document, in English.  Font should be Arial, Calibri or Century Gothic size 12, color black; line spacing should be 1 or 1.15 lines.  Paragraph spacing should be reasonable (for instance, NO skipping 5 lines in between paragraphs) whenever there is no minimum number of words specified.  Your progress report must include a Cover Page with the standard requirements for this class or the Computer Science Lab.

This third part is due next Thursday, March 11th.  It can be turned in advance, or on the 11th throughout the day (even after school hours). 

Delays:  each school day will reduce the grade by 10 points.  Reports 4 days late will not be accepted.

PROYECTO 6 - "Design my charity organization - Part 2"

Now that each team has defined their Charity, we will proceed to the next part of the project.  Remember, each stage must be followed by the corresponding Progress report.

Part two:
  • Define GOALS for your charity organization.  A minimum of 6 goals is required.
  • Define the ROLES each team member will play in the Charity organization. 
  • Research the requirements to set up a charity organization in México.  
Progress report:
  • All necessary corrections to Part one progress report must be completed when Part two is submitted.
  • Goals must be defined clearly - one paragraph per Goal minimum requirement.
  • Research on the requirements to set up a charity must be 1 to 2 pages long, reasonably spaced.
General requirements for the report are included again:

Your progress report must be turned in ELECTRONICALLY, in a Word document, in English.  Font should be Arial, Calibri or Century Gothic size 12, color black; line spacing should be 1 or 1.15 lines.  Paragraph spacing should be reasonable (for instance, NO skipping 5 lines in between paragraphs) whenever there is no minimum number of words specified.  Your progress report must include a Cover Page with the standard requirements for this class or the Computer Science Lab.

This second part is due next Thursday, March 4th.  It can be turned in advance, or on the 4th throughout the day (even after school hours). 

Delays:  each school day will reduce the grade by 10 points.  Reports 4 days late will not be accepted.

PROYECTO 6 - "Design my charity organization - Part 1"

The purpose of this project is to apply some of the things we have learned throughout this course.
  • The group will get organized in teams of 4 people.
  • The teams will choose a cause they want to help, and will define a "Charity" to support that cause.
  • The project will be worked on during several sessions; as the project progresses, we will go into more detail about the organization of the Charity.
  • At the end of each stage, a PROGRESS REPORT will be submitted,  in Word, ELECTRONICALLY (no printing please!).
Part one:
  • Form the teams.
  • Choose your cause and give your charity organization a name.
  • Define a VISION for your charity.
Progress report:
  •  List of team members, include full names, and group.
  • Name your charity.
  • Describe WHY you chose the team members in your group (examples: We have worked together before, they are my friends, we live close by, etc.).  Try to be clear and HONEST in your reasons. Required lenght: 1 paragraph minimum.
  • Describe WHY you chose that particular cause of charity.  Each member should contribute their own reason(s) specifically (example:  "CATY - I chose this charity because a friend had a personal experience related to it.  ADRIANA - I chose this charity because I thought it was a good cause to follow", etc.).  Required length:  1/2 page minimum.
  • Define a VISION for your charity.  Required length:  minimum 1, maximum 2 paragraphs.
Your progress report must be turned in ELECTRONICALLY, in a Word document, in English.  Font should be Arial, Calibri or Century Gothic size 12, color black; line spacing should be 1 or 1.15 lines.  Paragraph spacing should be reasonable (for instance, NO skipping 5 lines in between paragraphs) whenever there is no minimum number of words specified.  Your progress report must include a Cover Page with the standard requirements for this class or the Computer Science Lab.

This first part is due next Thursday, February 25th.  It can be turned in advance, or on the 25th throughout the day (even after school hours).

Delays:  each school day will reduce the grade by 10 points.  Reports 4 days late will not be accepted. 

Sesión 5 - Leading and Leadership - Goals


Proyecto 5 - "My Goals"

En este proyecto continuaremos con la definición de una Visión personal, estableciendo objetivos.

En este proyecto vas a definir Objetivos que te lleven a realizar esta Visión. Tus objetivos deberán ser MINIMO 5, y deberán cumplir los parámetros que discutimos la sesión pasada:

  • They should be realistic and attainable.
  • They should improve the situation (for yourself, your group, your organization, your company).
  • The people involved should participate in the goal-setting process.
  • A plan should be defined to attain each goal.

El trabajo se hará en un documento de Word, en Inglés, con requisitos similares al Proyecto #3: El documento deberá ser escrito en Tinta Negra; puedes elegir el tipo de letra entre Arial, Tahoma, Calibri o Century Gothic, tamaño 12; el espaciado entre líneas puede ser 1 o 1.15. No hay número mínimo de palabras, pero se requiere una longitud mínima de una página con espaciado razonable (por ejemplo, no pasar 5 líneas entre párrafo y párrafo). El trabajo deberá incluir una Portada con los mismos requisitos del Laboratorio de Computación.

Este proyecto deberá entregarse el próximo Jueves 3 de Diciembre.  NOTA:  En caso de cancelarse la clase por cualquier evento imprevisto, como la reprogramación o extensión de algún examen bimestral, el proyecto deberá ser entregado de todas formas no más tarde del final del día escolar.

Sesión 4 - Leading and Leadership - Vision


Proyecto 4 - "Vision of Myself"

En este proyecto deberás definir una visión de tí mismo, dentro de 10 años.

¿qué esperas lograr? ¿cuál es tu sueño?  Define una "visión" en los términos que discutimos en la sesión pasada, sobre todo enfocándote a articular esa visión - comunicarla de manera efectiva y clara. 

Aún y cuando esta visión no tiene parámetros medibles, sí debe ser razonablemente realista, deberás justificarla. (Por ejemplo: "voy a ser estrella de futbol" cuando jamás has entrenado ni jugado, y conociendo el competitivo mundo deportivo actual, sería una forma infantil y poco seria de tratar este proyecto).

El trabajo se hará en un documento de Word, en Inglés, con requisitos similares al Proyecto #3: El documento deberá ser escrito en Tinta Negra; puedes elegir el tipo de letra entre Arial, Tahoma, Calibri o Century Gothic, tamaño 12; el espaciado entre líneas puede ser 1 o 1.15.  No hay número mínimo de palabras, pero se requiere una longitud mínima de una página con espaciado razonable (por ejemplo, no pasar 5 líneas entre párrafo y párrafo). El trabajo deberá incluir una Portada con los mismos requisitos del Laboratorio de Computación.

Dado que estamos todavía trabajando en actividades relacionadas a la feria de Ciencias y que estos requisitos se están publicando hoy MARTES, la fecha de entrega de este proyecto será el próximo LUNES 23 de Noviembre, durante el día escolar.